Index of Meteorological Conditions for Pollutant Diffusion in Chongqing 重庆市空气污染扩散气象条件指标研究
The depth-averaged mixing coefficient of pollutant diffusion and dispersion in coastal zone is studied experimentally. 海岸区域的波浪引起的污染物的输移扩散存在不同于水流的情况特征。
Influence of Spatial Structure of Urban Roadside Trees on Vehicular Pollutant Diffusion in Fuzhou City 福州行道树空间结构对交通污染物扩散的影响
Numerical simulation of the impact on Meteorology and pollutant diffusion of urban area by building distribution 建筑物分布对市区流场及污染物扩散影响的数值模拟
By calculation of the residual current field of the studied area and the track of Lagrange water particles at several typical positions, the effects of residual current field on pollutant diffusion were analyzed, and the perfect positions for pollutant discharge were obtained as well. 通过海域水体余流场和几个典型位置Lagrange水质点运动轨迹的计算,分析了余流场对污染物运移的影响,并得到了该海域较为理想的污染物排放位置。
Applications of the Technique of Underground Continuous Pure Clay Walls to the Prevention and Control of Pollutant Diffusion 纯粘土地下连续墙技术在污染防渗治理工程中的应用
In this paper, the analysis and validation of pollutant diffusion modeling of a city sub-domain scale model are done using the measurement data of pollutant concentration in a special designed wind-tunnel experiment, and the validation of flow modeling of this model is analyzed. 将专门设计的一项中性层结条件下风洞的污染物浓度测量实验,与已建城市小区尺度模式在相同条件下的污染扩散模拟结果进行了比较分析。
Among many factors which control pollutant volume and pollutant diffusion from motors, distributions of vehicle fluxes and forms of districts are strongly related to geographic positions, so it is valuable to integrate simulation model of vehicle pollutants and GIS. 影响机动车尾气污染物扩散的因素很多,其中车流量分布、街区形状和地理空间有密切联系,因此将机动车尾气污染排放模拟模型和地理信息系统结合起来是很有价值的。
The passive scalar statistics are important in turbulence theories and engineering problems related to turbulent combustion, pollutant diffusion and others. 被动标量场的统计性质,在湍流理论以及湍流燃烧、污染物防治等工程领域都有非常重要的意义。
Numerical simulation of the tidal currents and the pollutant diffusion in Jiaozhou Bay 胶州湾及其邻近海域潮流和污染物扩散的数值模拟
The Excel Use of Pollutant Diffusion Model in the Environmental Assessment Excel在环境评价中污染物扩散模式上的应用
A Measurement Method for Instantaneous Concentration Field of Pollutant Diffusion 污染扩散瞬时浓度场测量方法的研究
The Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Pollutant Diffusion from a Tunnel Portal in a City 城市公路隧道峒口的污染物扩散的数值模拟与分析
The Measurement of Concentration Field of Pollutant Diffusion by Laser Speckle 污染扩散浓度场激光散斑测量原理研究
Numerical Simulation of Pollutant Diffusion in the Ningbo-Zhoushan Sea Area 宁波-舟山海域污染物扩散的数值模拟
The simulation test can study the movement law of pollutant diffusion under the diffident hydrodynamic condition. 模拟试验能够更好地研究不同水动力条件下污染物的扩散运移规律。
Numerical simulation of meteorology and pollutant diffusion in urban sub-domain 城市小区气象与污染扩散数值模式建立的研究
Research into a High-precision Numerical-simulation System of Urban Traffic Pollutant Diffusion 城市交通污染扩散高分辨率数值模拟研究
According to Turbulent Diffusion Theory, this thesis uses impact of air dilution and diffusion factors such as air pollutant source parameters, weather factors and near underlying surface layer status to establish a Lagrange Air Pollutant Diffusion Model. 本研究基于影响大气污染程度的源参数、气象条件和近地层下垫面的状况,根据湍流扩散梯度理沦进行推导,建立了拉格朗日烟团扩散模型。
The numerical simulation of soluble and conservative liquid chemicals pollutant diffusion in Dalian Bay 大连湾易溶保守液体化学品污染扩散的数值计算
Research on the forecast of meteorological condition and pollutant diffusion on urban neighborhood scale 城市小区气象条件与污染扩散精细预报研究
Prevention of pollutant diffusion and blockage and isolation of pollution sources are the important measures for the pollution prevention and control of underground environment. 污染防渗、封闭隔离污染源是目前地下环境治理及预防的重要环节。
Comparison of pollutant diffusion models for complex topography 复杂地形污染物扩散模式比较
Atmospheric pollution in Harbin in winter and influence of inversion on pollutant diffusion 哈尔滨冬季大气污染及逆温对污染物扩散影响
The meteorological conditions in winter is not beneficial to pollutant diffusion; 冬季不利于污染物扩徽的气象条件。
The Discrimination of Pollutant Diffusion Coefficient for Air Pollution Equation 空气污染模型污染物扩散系数的可辩识性
Simulation Research on the Influence between the Air Flow Structure and Air Pollutant Diffusion in the Open-Pit Terrain 凹坑地形风流结构对污染物散布的模拟研究
The method of precise forecast of the meteorological condition and pollutant diffusion on urban neighborhood scale has been established, i.e. gradual one-way nesting from global to neighborhood scale in meteorological modeling and from neighborhood to urban scale in diffusion modeling. 初步建立了城市小区气象条件与污染扩散精细预报方法,即:气象部分由全球到小区逐级单向嵌套、污染部分由小区到城市逐级单向嵌套的方法。
Through the application, it can be confirmed that the model can really reflect the pollutant diffusion tendency and the spatial distribution characteristic in the near-ground atmosphere, which has important practical significance to the forecast, the prevention and cure of the city atmospheric pollution. 通过应用证实,该大气污染模拟模型能够真实反映近地面大气中污染物的扩散趋势及空间分布特征,对城市大气环境污染预测和防治具有实际意义。
The Princeton Ocean Model ( POM) has been used to simulate tidal wave distribution and pollutant diffusion in the Taiwan Strait. 本文将普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)应用于台湾海峡潮波形态分布及污染物扩散场的数值计算。